Posted by: David bCaheny/b | February 13, 2007 at 11:38 PM. Fergal. Ulysses Grant. Civil War general, twice president of the United States, and now Irish Times literary editor. I gues they thought his CV was more impressive than Banville's b...../b Max Morden has returned to the bvacation/b spot of his youth as he grieves the death of his wife. Remembering his first, fatal love, Morden works to reconcile himself to his loss. Banville's trademark linguistic virtuosity is ...
wall of woodmartin bestate/b he was editor for three years, while continuing to write and publish a number of books including ?the island of innismurray? collaborating with the artist william f. wakeman, and ?the rude stone monuments of b.../b
Caheny? He likes you somehow? ? ?Is any lunch there already?? ?Yeah? barbecue?? ?Perfect, Jam? I?ll be there in half an hour..? ? and turned the phone off. 13:46 ? Jam?s bedroom ? some stakes after? ?You did what?? ...